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Developing Circular Solution

Because waste management is still less than optimum, particularly at the ultimate level, concerns linked to trash distribution and composition remain unsolved.

The lack of a competent waste management system, as well as insufficient waste use and conversion into valuable goods, are the leading causes of numerous waste management systems in Indonesia. Aside from the downstream sector or landfill level, the waste problem is impacted by activities in the upstream sector, one of which is community waste management activities and behaviors. It has been established that over 81% of Indonesians are unable to classify garbage according to kind and category.

According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) program, the goal is to (1) reduce plastic waste into the sea by up to 70%, (2) reduce the index of indifference to the waste problem, (3) increase public awareness sorting waste up to 50%, with the current situation at 11%, (4) increase the recycling rate up to 50%, and (5) increase waste management into electrical energy (PSEL).

Ailesh developed 2nd version of waste management technology that can be adopted in small and medium-scale communities, decentralization, and recycling waste at the source.


The current state of waste management is still focused on transferring waste from the point of origin to temporary waste storage (TPS) and landfills. However, the state of waste management in Indonesia is problematic since the amount of waste produced rises without adequate waste management. Most Indonesian people do not do at-source waste separation, and the majority of waste separation is done at temporary storages (TPS) and landfills by scavengers, with the remainder dumped into open dumps or landfills. Scavengers cannot optimally gather recyclables that are combined with moist organic waste since most wastes are mixed.

There is a need to build an at-source solid waste management system with waste recycling and recovery technology.


Our solution is applied to waste management to make waste processing steps more efficient using recirculated pyro-gas carbonizer. This reactor is the thermochemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen-free environment where the solid waste is heated to a temperature between  350 C – 400 C which allows waste to be converted into other forms that do not harm the environment. The capacity is around 75 kg per batch for organic and plastic waste, installed in Bandung, West Java Province. Some added values in this reactor are below

Flexible Fuel

The reactor can adopt flexible fuel to be used in burner that can utilize solid biomass, lube oil waste, and other agricultural residue as energy sources.


Self-sustaining process

The design of the reactor can recover waste heat that is recirculated and utilize it as an energy source, so it can make the process more efficient without requiring an external energy source. The gases produced during the process are burned and the generated energy is used to heat the reactor. Burner just consumes 30 kg of solid biomass as fuel in a batch.


Optimal conversion

The reactor can convert solid waste into char and gasses, precisely controlling the ratio of solids and gasses. The output, pyrolysis gas, is fed into the condenser to be liquid smoke that can be cleaned as oil with fuel standard (post-treatment is included).


Generating char products with less emission

The output product generated is a char product with high carbon content. The organic feedstock is actually can be activated as activated carbon. Emissions emitted from the condenser in the form of Non-Condensable gas, categorized as safe emission, without dioxin and furan. It is also a smoke-free process with resulting higher energy efficiency


Optimal heat transfer and easy operations

Heat is transferred optimally at maximum safety, using heat isolation and a high-efficiency heating process with resulting 100% char conversion and smokeless process. The cover can be opened semi-automatically by using a valve spring.



  1. Char products from organic waste can be used for soil amendment and improvement for agriculture. In addition, char products from organic feedstock, are categorized as bio-carbon with high calorific value. It can be densified in pellets or ground to powder which are easy for transport, handling, and storage. And more sustainable and more renewable than fossil coal.

  2. Char products from plastic waste can be used for new materials in furniture and construction.

  3. Liquid smoke from plastic waste in separated types can be cleaned and purified at the fuel standard as pyrolysis oil.

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